For sometime I have been wanting to do some more old-timy woodworking and one of those items I felt like I needed was a "Shaving Horse" to shape table legs, spoons etc.. I also have a nephew that has some of the same interest so I thought maybe I could make one for him and one for myself. After searching for awhile on the internet I came across these plans on "Popular Woodworking" site. So far this is the only one I have made. I will make one for me next.
Here is link:
I love this idea because it was a minimal about of material and some simple way to make. Over the past weekend I made this project and presented it to my nephew. He was totally surprised and speechless.
Below are are pictures that will help describe everything..
Great Information sharing .. I am very happy to read this article .. thanks for giving us go through info.Fantastic nice. I appreciate this post. Horse Barn